Hi everybody,
This article is about how to use emoticons, smileys and f9 codes on facebook chat.
We all know facebook allows a number of codes in comment or in chat. These codes when used turn into Emoticons and smileys.Emoticons are fun to play. when chatting sometimes we use emoticons instead of words to express the feelings. what are EMOTICONS?Emoticons are a metacommunicative pictorial representation of a facial expression – says Wikipedia .’Emoticon’ is a shortened form of EMOTION and ICON. Codes used in emoticons are basically Punctuation Marks with Numbers and Letters.
Facebook updates regularly so hope to see more interesting stuffs in the future. The recent inclusion of ‘Like’ icon is awesome. you can comment on anything by typing (y) which turns into like thumbs up icon.
(1)smile :-) :) :] =) (2)frown :-( :( :[ =(
(3)gasp :-O :O :-o :o (4)grin :-D :D =D
(5)tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P (6)wink ;-) ;)
(7)curly lips :3 (8)kiss :-* :*
(9)grumpy >:( >:-((10)glasses 8-) 8) B-) B)(11)sunglasses 8-| 8| B-| B|
(12)upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o
(13)confused o.O O.o (14)shark (^^^)
(15pacman :v (16)squint -_-
(17)angel O:) O:-) (18)devil 3:) 3:-)
(19)unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\
(20)cry :'( (21)Chris Putnam :putnam:
(22)robot :|] (23)heart <3 (24)kiki ^_^
(25)Thumbs Up (Y) (26)42 :42:
(27)penguin <(“) (28)poop :poop:
This is another cool emoticon codes that can be used on facebook chat and comment. This is called f9 codes
To express your feelings through f9 codes we simply write double bracket f9 dot and desired word. For example: If you want to write heart- [[f9.heart]].
[[f9.laugh]] [[f9.sad]] [[f9.angry]] [[f9.sleepy]] [[f9.shock]] [[f9.kiss]] [[f9.inlove]] [[f9.pizza]] [[f9.coffee]] [[f9.rain]] [[f9.bomb]] [[f9.sun]] [[f9.heart]] [[f9.heartbreak]] [[f9.doctor]] [[f9.ghost]] [[f9.brb]] [[f9.wine]] [[f9.gift]] [[f9.adore]] [[f9.angel]] [[f9.baloons]] [[f9.bowl]]
[[f9.cake]] [[f9.callme]] [[f9.clap]]
[[f9.confused]] [[f9.curllip]] [[f9.devilface]] [[f9.lying]]
[[f9.rofl]] [[f9.billiard]]
[[f9.cakepiece]] [[f9.rosedown]]
[[f9.shutmouth]] [[f9.shy]]
[[f9.silly]] [[f9.tongue1]]
[[f9.fastfood]] [[f9.ring]]
[[f9.plate]] [[f9.candle]] [[f9.party]]
[[f9.cake]] [[f9.callme]] [[f9.clap]]
[[f9.confused]] [[f9.curllip]] [[f9.devilface]] [[f9.lying]]
[[f9.rofl]] [[f9.billiard]]
[[f9.cakepiece]] [[f9.rosedown]]
[[f9.shutmouth]] [[f9.shy]]
[[f9.silly]] [[f9.tongue1]]
[[f9.fastfood]] [[f9.ring]]
[[f9.plate]] [[f9.candle]] [[f9.party]]
The following 3 number codes are great .copy and paste it in chat or in comment.
Have fun pranking on your friends
with code [[138529122927104]] for Pedobear, [[332936966718584]] for Hello Kitty and[[252497564817075]] for frog.

Use Number codes as Emoticons on facebook chat and comments : copy and paste the numbers besides the images to post.
These are all for now.I hope you liked it and learnt something new about emoticons.Any feedback or comment is heartily welcomed.CLICK HERE AND LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK PAGE.
Save This Page On Your Browser For Easier Copy-Paste System Because No One Can Remember All These Codes. Alternately you can Save Above Images For Your Convenience.
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