Cute emoticon
Peace emoticon
happy birthday emoticon

Our special Facebook emoticons and smileys works extremely well on Facebook messages and chat. They won't develop your timeline status updates yet. Simply choose your emoticon, copy the code and paste it in your message or chat box. Once you press Enter, your smiley will show up! Everyone will state cool. And naturally, you will end up cool too! The happy birthday smiley code for facebook chat is : [[207408992729604]] [[207408999396270]] [[207409002729603]] [[207409006062936]] [[207408986062938]] [[207409082729595]] [[207409076062929]] [[207409086062928]] [[207409079396262]] [[207409089
Note emoticon
Pig emoticon

Best Secret Facebook Emoticons here i am going to share some of the best secret emoticons with you so guys enjoy them and share with your friends. Looking for fat piggy emoticons ? Or perhaps for fat pig smileys that are dancing... Well, then, this emoticon is perfect for you, here you have it: fat pink pig smiley! the pig smiley code on facebook chat : [[154926494674056]]
Sleepy emoticon
Butterfly emoticon
Monkey Emoticon
About Website
Welcome to facebook chat emoticons, Enjoy using the best smileys on facebook chat,List of the new Facebook Chat Emoticons. Facebook has implemented comments into the private messages. To use emoticons codes in Facebook comments you need to use shortcut codes shown in the table below to get the desired emoticon. These are the same smileys which can be used for some time in Facebook chat. If you want more emoticons for facebook search for it with the search form in the top of the page. just copy the emoticon facebook codes and paste it in the facebook chat without any software or registration.
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